Philanthropy & Sustainable Finance,
University of Amsterdam
Disposed to be Overconfident
2024, with Katrin Gödker and Terrance Odean
Revise and Resubmit at The Journal of Finance
Impact or Responsibility? Giving Behavior in a Televised Natural Experiment
2024, with Inka Eberhardt, Martijn van den Assem and Dennie van Dolder
Revise and Resubmit at The Economic Journal
Mental Models in Financial Markets: How Do Experts Reason About the Pricing of Climate Risk?
2024, with Rob Bauer, Katrin Gödker and Florian Zimmermann
Do Development Financial Institutions Create Impact through Venture Capital Investments?
2025, with Aleksandar Andonov and Andy Li
SFS Cavalcade 2025

Gender-based Disparities in Subjective Versus Objective Glycemic Control in Individuals with Type 1
2024, with Coco Fuhri Snethlage, Pleun de Groen, Elena Rampanelli, Daniël van Raalte, Hans DeVries, Stijn Meijnikman, Sarah Siegelaar, Bastiaan de Galan, Bart Roep, Max Nieuwdorp & Nordin Hanssen

Geven en Nemen - Evaluatie Giftenaftrek 2016 - 2021
2024, with Nils Verheuvel, Derck Stabler, Michiel Bijlsma, William Luiten and Raymond Adema
Dirty Money. The Impact of Negative ESG News Sentiment on Dividend Consumption
2023, with Marten Laudi and Thomas Pauls
Wealthy Americans and redistribution: The role of fairness preferences
2023, with Alain Cohn, Lasse Jessen and Marko Klasjna
The Journal of Public Economics
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Social Status and Unethical Behavior: Two Replications of the Field Studies in Piff et al. (2012)
2023, with Minah Jung, Joachim Vosgerau and Jan Stoop
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
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Why Do Investors Pay Higher Fees for Sustainable Investments? An Experiment in Five European Countries
2023, with Daniel Engler and Gunnar Gutsche
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Do Financial Advisors Charge Sustainable Investors a Premium?
2023, with Marten Laudi and Utz Weitzel
Reject and Resubmit at Management Science
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A Fistful of Dollars: Financial Incentives, Peer Information, and Retirment Savings
2022, with Rob Bauer and Inka Eberhardt
The Review of Financial Studies
Meet the Parents: Impact of a Menstrual Health Intervention on Parental Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Towards Menstrual Taboos in Rural Bangladesh
2021, with Eleonora Nilessen and Lidwien Sol
Get real! Individuals Prefer More Sustainable Investments
2021, with Rob Bauer and Tobias Ruof
The Review of Financial Studies
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Breaking Down Menstrual Barriers in Bangladesh; Cluster RCT Evidence on School Attendance and Psychosocial Outcomes of Adolescent Girls
2021, with Eleonora Nilessen and Lidwien Sol
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Beter Geven - Dertien verbetervoorstellen voor vereenvoudiging en versterking van de giftenaftrek en de ANBI regels
2020, in collaboration with Samenwerkende Brancheorganisaties Filantropie (SBF)
Do Sex Hormones at Birth Predict Later-life Economic Preferences? Evidence from a Pregnancy Birth Cohort Study
2020, with Boris van Leeuwen, Jeanne Bovet, Gideon Nave, Jonathan Stieglitz and Andrew Whitehouse
The Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Time Use and Happiness of Millionaires: Evidence from the Netherlands
2020, with Ashley Whillans, Rene Bekkers and Michael Norton
Social Psychological and Personality Science
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High Net Worth Individuals Philanthropy Trends: A Comparative Study of France and the Netherlands
2017, in collaboration with ABN AMRO MeesPierson
Buying Time Promotes Happiness
2017, with Ashley Whillans, Elizabeth Dunn, Rene Bekkers and Michael Norton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Why Do Investors Hold Socially Responsible Mutual Funds?
2017, with Arno Riedl
The Journal of Finance
De Geefondernemer
2016, in collaboration with ABN AMRO MeesPierson
Towards a Practical and Scientifically Sound Tool for Measuring Time and Risk Preferences in Pension Savings Decisions
2016, with Jan Potters and Arno Riedl
Giving Behavior of Millionaires
2015, with Rob Bauer and Uri Gneezy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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Social Identification and Investment Decisions
2015, with Rob Bauer
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Van Vermogen Naar Verandering
2014, in collaboration with ABN AMRO MeesPierson